The effectiveness of the program and interventions RISe offers to its service users has also been demonstrated through evidence based research. A study carried out in association with the University of Malta (Tabone, 2021) evaluated the effectiveness of the programme at RISe. The study analysed whether the risks offenders presented with before the programme reduce significantly after completing it. The results revealed a significant difference in the risk factors present between pre-intervention and post-intervention. Therefore, the study concluded that the rehabilitation programme effectively reduces the risk of reoffending in those individuals who have completed the programme.
These are the stories of some of our past service users who successfully managed to reform their lives for the better.

'Li tiżra' taħsad!'
You reap what you sow! A former resident who finished the program with success speaks about his experience and the importance of after-care. (Maltese language video, subtitled in English).

'Ħadd ma jista' jbiddel kif is-soÄ‹jetà tarana. Il-bidla trid tiÄ¡i minna.'